By: Eduardo Nunes

The best ideas are born when people are prepared to look at problems from a different perspective, proposing a solution. In the competitive world of technology, where talent is highly employable on the market, companies are in constant competition to attract and retain the best people. In this scenario, the Employer Brand and the Employee Experience emerge as key elements for the success of organizations.

What is an Employer Brand?

The Employer Brand is the image that a company projects in order to translate its values, organizational culture and the working environment it offers its employees to the market. In highly competitive sectors and industries, certain skills become even more valued and, when we want to attract, engage and retain qualified talent, a strong Employer Brand can be your differentiator.

Adding innovation to the daily lives of Everymind’s talented people doesn’t just mean improving our deliveries, but empowering each person in our team to think purposefully about how to make and bring innovation to clients. That’s why, in addition to building a solid Employer Brand, companies looking to excel in this type of strategy must also focus on providing a positive experience for their value chain. This goes beyond offering benefits and remuneration in line with the market; it involves creating an inclusive environment that values diversity, promotes development and stimulates innovation.

People & Culture

As Head of People & Culture at Everymind, my goal, and that of the entire company, is to empower and develop people to perform their jobs more efficiently, with care and in a productive way. Likewise, the Human Capital structure in organizations around the world today plays a key role in building the Employer Brand and promoting a positive experience for employees. They are responsible for developing strategies for attracting, selecting and retaining talent, as well as creating career and development programs and providing an excellent working environment.

At Everymind, we are proud of our team. We constantly train our teams in various specialties and on various topics relevant to the industry, such as Artificial Intelligence, among others. We know that creativity and excellence are a continuous exercise. It’s about creating and always guaranteeing an environment in which people can develop their ideas and continue to evolve. Building a relevant Employer Brand and offering a positive experience for employees are crucial factors for the success of a company like ours.

By investing in building a solid organizational culture and developing programs that promote people’s well-being and development, companies can stand out as leading employers in the technology industry. The way to keep people satisfied and enable them to have new and different insights is to give them the freedom to contribute their best, and this generates a virtuous circle that is seen in the results.


For me, this is the way to reinforce how much there is still to learn and do, as we promote a future that celebrates and promotes inclusion. How can leaders achieve this? Trust is the key. With hundreds of projects always underway, we see organizations shifting their focus to cases and strategies that help amplify their power to release value responsibly throughout the organization. This is how we can make a difference in terms of inclusion and opportunities. After all, every company should start investing more today in its people and in transformation, in line with technology.

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