We are

How does Everymind work?

At Everymind, we are proud of our trajectory and of what we still have to build and impact. We are a plural, diverse, innovative team made up of the brightest people in the Salesforce ecosystem. This enables us to constantly express our cultural values and generate the best experience across the entire ecosystem.

Get to know
our differentials.

Expertise and certifications in all Salesforce clouds

We are certified in all Salesforce Clouds and have a team fully focused on understanding all the processes of each business and adopting the best practices on the Salesforce platforms.

The only Salesforce partner in Brazil with a Customer Success area

With an area focused on the customer experience, we monitor the progress of the project side by side so that it delivers all the expected results along with an excellent experience with Everymind.

Leader in all 6 quadrants of the ISG Provider Lens report

We are the only Salesforce partner to have won all 6 quadrants of the ISG Provider Lens report for 3 consecutive years.

Committee with expertise in each industry

Creation of committees focused on each industry in the Salesforce ecosystem with the aim of bringing major innovations to our customers’ businesses.








projects delivered
with innovation


How does Everymind work?

We have a culture based on 7 pillars that reflect how unique, diverse and inclusive we are, and we seek to provide the best experience for our customers and partners. Check it out below.

We are

We value total quality in all our projects. We follow the software craftsmanship manifesto and consider ourselves Software Craftsmen.

We are

Our problems and solutions are everyone’s responsibility.

We are

The success of our customers is our motivation, our teams are specialized in Salesforce clouds focused on industries.

We are

We are a company without hierarchy, we are all T-shapped professionals.

We are

We always seek to deliver value, working with phenomenal teams based on self-organized people.

We have

Our DNA is unique and we promote caring for each other, where caring for others is essential.

We are


We are specialists focused on
in industries and people.

We want to build an increasingly plural company, with multidimensional people, in a more inclusive, diverse, innovative and connected environment. In this way, we guarantee more humanized relationships, the development of empathy, the deconstruction of prejudices and representativeness. For this reason, we created the Everypeople internal program, which aims to have a committee that helps us in the company’s strategic decisions to build this environment on a daily basis, check out the video:

Programs that
we participate.

Everymind for a better world and ESG practices.
Everymind focuses its donations on areas that directly reinforce the company’s mission and its vision of corporate growth. In other words, when it comes to building a community, we get involved in social initiatives, helping to strengthen local communities through professional training. Together, we envision a better future.

We are the only Salesforce partner
leader in all quadrants
for 4 consecutive years.

The experience is so
important as the service.

The Customer Success area started in January 2021 and we are currently the only Salesforce partner in Brazil with an exclusive area dedicated to our customers that acts independently and impartially on projects. Our work is strongly based on Everymind’s pillars, with an emphasis on the Everymind DNA, transparency in relationships and care in deliveries. Our clients count on the support of Customer Success throughout the project, guaranteeing a successful journey. Check out our results below:

Survey audited by Salesforce
for 3 consecutive years with a score of 4.8




of evaluations
in the projects.